Bank information request

Your data is safe with METEX

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Your details and proof of account ownership

First and foremost Metex is committed to the safety and security of our friends online. For your peace of mind, we are registered with AUSTRAC as Bullion Dealers and as a Digital Currency Exchange. We are required to manage ML/TF risks. That protects you, us and other vulnerable people from others who are not our friends.

Legitimate businesses deal with legitimate people who are verified as the owner of the assets they transfer. To enable you to trade in and out of AUD pairs, deposit and withdraw AUD funds, We ask that you supply a document for verification of your bank account ownership. We match you, your bank account statement and your residential address. We hope you understand that this is essential in helping us protect you and us from fraudulent and illegal activities.

Bank statement upload

To help us do that please complete the form below and upload a front page of a bank account statement showing your name, your address, the BSB number and the bank account number. You are requested to obscure financial and other information because we do not need that. You can upload as a document or as an image. For data security your information and uploads are encrypted and stored securely.